The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog

The Deadly Assassin Named Anxiety

on May 4, 2018


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As testing season rolls around, many students are slapped with reality of END OF GRADE TESTS! Students in third grade and higher have to take standardized tests at the end of the year. These tests cause A LOT OF ANXIETY! Research proves that students with low levels of anxiety scored higher than students with high levels of anxiety. I want you to do your best on the test, so I’m going to give you a few tips and tricks on how to get rid of anxiety!

Deep Breaths

You’ve probably heard about this tip a million times, but it does actually help. According to Harvard Health Publishing,”Breath focus helps you concentrate on slow, deep breathing and aids you in disengaging from distracting thoughts and sensations.” Focusing on taking deep breaths helps you to focus on your breathing instead of other stressful thoughts. Taking deep breaths helps your lungs take in more oxygen which improves brain circulation.


I would recommend meditating the night before you take the test. You can use meditation to discover the cause of your anxiety. Meditation usually involves deep breaths which helps you to focus on topics other than the future (which causes stress). If you choose to meditate during the day, I would recommend meditating outside. Being surrounded by nature has proven to be calming which can help take your mind off of your worries.


Everyone needs time to themselves. Practicing self-care is a perfect opportunity! You could have a spa day, clean up your room, or even read a book in a quiet room. There are several other self-care activities that don’t involve spa days. Practicing self-care can help you relax and calm your mind down. Being relaxed will help you realize how worrying does not help you at all. Yoga is another form of self care. Deeply stretching out your body will help relieve muscle tension and stress.’

Treat Your Mind

The best way to “treat your mind” is to write down everything you are anxious about. A lot of times the things that cause us anxiety don’t seem so scary once you write it down. As you write down what is causing your anxiety, think of the reasons why it shouldn’t cause anxiety. For example, if I was anxious about the EOG tests, I would tell myself that it’s just a test and after I take it, I’ll feel better.

Hang Out With Your Friends

Sometimes you need to be reminded of all the good things in life. Hanging out with your friends is one of the best ways to get rid of your anxiety. You can have a great time and forget all of your worries.

I hope these anxiety busters help you. I wish you luck on your quest to passing the EOG. You can defeat this deadly assassin!


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