The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog

Wynchester Mansion

on May 18, 2018

The Wynchester Mansion is a very impressive structure. It also has a very eerie past. The house’s creator, Sarah Pardee, married William Wirt Wynchester. His father owned the multi-million company that made the Henry Repeater. The Henry Repeater was a gun used by the Union in the civil war.

The gun made them incredibly rich, but nothing could keep the tragedy of death at bay. In 1866 Sarah gave birth to a daughter who only lived for a few days. 15 years later William was killed by tuberculosis. Sarah never got over the death of her husband and daughter.

She went to a medium (a person who claims to communicate with the spirit world). The medium told her she was being haunted by the ghosts of people her husband’s gun killed. The medium gave her the advice that she should move west and build a house that all ghosts can go to. Sarah followed this advice and did exactly what she was told.

In 1884 she moved west to California. There she bought an 8-room house and expanded it. She added rooms with no purpose, hallways that doubled back on themselves, and stairs that lead to the ceiling. She also built dozens of chimneys so the ghosts could leave or come as they please.

For 30 more years the mansion was under construction constantly. Sarah lived in the house as a recluse until the day of her death in 1922. By that time her house had at least 160 rooms and even more hallways and staircases. This house is definitely a major wonder.

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