The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog

Fallout 76

on January 11, 2019

Fallout is about a Vault. LetĀ me start this will contain major bad explaining to a video game. Thisthe overseer and you have been here since 1776 and that’s where 76 comes in and the thing is that this game is different it’s. Multiplayer. I say this becauseĀ  the last game was a adventure type. You go on an adventure with people and this isn’t game doesn’t have Np c’s and the thing is that the person who made the game said it himself there will be robots but no people there will only be real people instead so that the game will be better instead like the other games in the fallout series that had you on an adventure and just NPCs in stead of people like online people and the thing is that the regular people can go on adventures/quest to get money guess what the currency is the answer is Dunn Dunn dun dun dun duuuuuuuuunnnnnn: Bottle caps! Yep bottle caps money is now useless its called Pre-War Money *face-palms* forgot fallout is also about a nuclear war that happens so yeah this all I know and thank you for reading and have a great day of night or afternoon don’t forget this i my best way of explaining this timeline.

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