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NCTS Middle School Blog

Star Wars Battlefront II

This is  my favorite game ever because these reasons yeah this game is a multiplayer/ split screen. This game was so good because the maps were so like the actual maps like the space battles they were the coolest maps ever. In my opinion there some good maps like the ones that recognizable from the movies like Kashyyyk,Corusant, Hoth,Mos Eisley and Mustafar. There were  some good heroes like Luke Skywalker,Yoda,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Ki-Adi-Mundi,Aayla Secura,Leia Organa,Han Solo, and Chewbacca. The Villains are Darth Vader,Anakin Skywalker,General Grevious,Darth Maul, Count Dooku,The Emporer,Jango Fett,Boba Fett. The more i talk about this game the more I get 6 Year old Flashbacks

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So Naruto is about this kid oh yeah before I start this I’ll tell you that this story is really long so yeah. This story is about this little kid named Naruto and he was the nine tails fox and the fox was sealed and put into Naruto and he was a prankster and he got in trouble by the Hidden leaf people and he went to school so he could learn Justus and then there were teams and they were put together and           then they were  taking a test to become a Genin (Higher rank) and he then becomes not a genin but the same rank for years and he goes to the finale test and him and his team got the earth and air scrolls so him and his team could beat the test and then while that happened he started growing up and then these battles happened and my favorite battle was Rock Lee vs. Gaara and that was my favorite battle to me in general and it was because how fast Lee was going and this is why Naruto is a good anime to me and to others. These are the reasons that this anime is so good but i forgot some of the story line of the Anime but this is still good in my opinion.

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Fallout 76

Fallout is about a Vault. Let me start this will contain major bad explaining to a video game. Thisthe overseer and you have been here since 1776 and that’s where 76 comes in and the thing is that this game is different it’s. Multiplayer. I say this because  the last game was a adventure type. You go on an adventure with people and this isn’t game doesn’t have Np c’s and the thing is that the person who made the game said it himself there will be robots but no people there will only be real people instead so that the game will be better instead like the other games in the fallout series that had you on an adventure and just NPCs in stead of people like online people and the thing is that the regular people can go on adventures/quest to get money guess what the currency is the answer is Dunn Dunn dun dun dun duuuuuuuuunnnnnn: Bottle caps! Yep bottle caps money is now useless its called Pre-War Money *face-palms* forgot fallout is also about a nuclear war that happens so yeah this all I know and thank you for reading and have a great day of night or afternoon don’t forget this i my best way of explaining this timeline.

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Pokemon Go

So Pokemon go bet you’re saying this “game is so stupid why would you play this game at all” Yeah I know that but the game is good and bad at the same time wooow I’ll tell you how. So pokemon Go is this game (of course) and it uses real life and virtually to you guessed it to play the game so if you are a World of Worldcraft player and stays in forever then you probably don’t have this game so as I was saying this game makes people go crazy because people say there is A rare pokemon here and people rush to that exact spot And it tramples people that’s dumb because this is virtually and your on a phone just so you catch a pokemon. So this game is alright but I like it in my personal favorites because adventure and your phone come together and you can have a great time while play in and the more you travel around the world the rarer the pokemon are and there is a new feature so you can trade with your friends and other pokemon go players so you don’t just have one pokemon and so you can get better and stronger pokemon for your collection. This game is cool and bad at the same time form those reasons.

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Call of Duty Black Ops 1

Black Ops 1 was a great game it is an old time favorite but its really good and the story is great and it has a lot to show about a good non-futuristic ( I’m talking to you call of duty advance and infinite warfare also black ops 3&4) and I like that a lot about call of duty. In Call of duty black ops, you play as a character named Alex Mason an CIA operative and he is being interrogated by someone unknown and Alex Mason is in the Cold war era of where you play the game and you work by the side of Frank Woods and you also see a memory of a man named Viktor Reznov and you are looking for Doctor Fredrich Steiner, Dragovich, and Kravchenko because they’re making a toxic chemical called Nova 6 and it killed millions and it still is killing millions. Woods and Mason are trying to get to The three people making the Nova 6. On one of the missions you find Steiner but the thing is in your memory Reznov killed him but it was really Mason that kills him and I didn’t explain that Mason is being mind controlled by Kravchenko and he sees numbers  that made  him go crazy and in some of Kravchenko’s dialogue he says that Mason killed John F Kennedy instead of Oswald. When you get done with the mission and your in the end mission you break out of the mind control state and you break out of the place but you don’t get far and you just get captured by the interrogator and it turns out to be Hudson and he helps you to find and kill Kravkencho you find Kravkencho and you find him and drown him in some water and the Nova 6 bomb goes to the bottom of the ocean.

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Hulu vs Netflix


Hulu is a great viewing sight and it has a great rating for entertainment it is a 4 star and it has ads and i like the shows and the movies but it sucks that the shows have ads. But Hulu has great shows and it is very cool because the shows have humor and they have they have really good Hulu originals because they have a lot of comedy and meaning to the show and some of my favorite shows are on there and their are child memories like Regular show to adventure time those are good shows I like in my opinion.

Netflix is a great viewing sight and it has amazing show like this one I like like Hilda and it has amazing ratings it’s a four star rating and it is amazing and it has stranger things and it is the  best show with the best story ever. Netflix is not the best entertainment ever it shows alright shows and so of them are better than the others like some I’ve liked multiple watched most time.

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Battlefield 5 vs Battlefield 1


Battlefield 5 is a new game made by dice and is a game about World War II and it is put into a realistic point of view of World War II and some of these games have really good graphics, unlike other games. When Battlefield 5 comes out I’m expecting for it to be a good game for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and PC. When You buy Battlefield 5 It will have a campaign a new mode called grand operations instead of it being Operations. Battlefield 1 was an older game of the Battlefield series and was about World War I and it was a great game and it still is because the graphics and the sweet Gameplay it has to offer and it has planes and tanks like famous and non famous but it shows some real things like the Gallipoli, Trench Warfare.

The Gameplay battlefield games have smooth to a bad game and if it isn’t bad then I’ll be happy and I won’t be angry so I don’t flip out when Battlefield 1 came out it was the best thing ever the campaign was the best but then the multiplayer was even better than the campaign. Battlefield 1 was like alright it makes a good idea about WWI and it talks about the ottomans and the Aussies and the Brits. In conclusion, Battlefield 5 is coming out and all I want to say is that if the campaign has America ending WWII I Would say that would be 10/10 IGN.

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