The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog

The Mandela Effect: Is it real?

on May 1, 2017

The Mandela Effect is a theory that our universe has gone into a parallel universe– causing a lot of things to change. The evidence for this is that a majority of people remembering something different than it really is. Let me ask you a question: did I spell the brand Febreze right? No? Then how is it really spelled? Febreeze right? Wrong.  Febreze has always been spelled f-e-b-r-e-z-e but you remember it differently , so do I. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. Febreze isn’t the only thing though. Another example is Star Wars. We all remember as Darth Vader telling Luke ,”Luke, I am your father.” Nope. He never said that. It’s always been ”No, I am your father.” Another very popular one is the title of a children’s book, The Berenstein Bears. We all remember the title being spelled BerenstEIn bears but apparently its always been the BerenstAIn bears. One theory that I have to where it goes against the Mandela effect is when it comes to companies, such as Febreze. The Mandela effect has gotten very popular and well known over the few years, and all the theorists are waiting for more examples of the theory to be discovered. Why not change the name of your company and claim that it has always been that way when people claim differently? What a great way to get publicity for your company. That may explain those examples but what about all the others like Star  Wars or things like that. For more Mandela theories go on Youtube and look up ”Mandela Effect Conspiracy Theories Shane Dawson”


One Response to “The Mandela Effect: Is it real?”

  1. Tatom says:

    I found this very interesting,

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