The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog

What is Airsoft?

Image result for the word airsoftWhat is Airsoft? Airsoft is a not so popular sport, it consist of shooting 6mm plastic sphere out of guns at about 3 hundred feet per second. The goal of the game can very thought but the main objective is to run around shoot as many people as you can without getting hit, however if you get hit you just go back and re spawn then do it all over again. There is also usually objects and buildings you can hide behind. The objects also vary. Some have cars, tires, wood barriers, and towers our closest park has a plane so the objects vary. You also have a choice on playing indoor or outdoor. The outdoor field usually have more people and bigger place to play. But if your interested in close combat you can play inside and have the same amount of fun. All people have a misconception that it hurts but the hit is not that bad feels like a shot a doctor would give you. So see Airsoft is not that bad and i encourage you to go and try it at a local field.

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Hurricane Dorian: Changes Hurt


Hurricane Dorian is a new scale of danger, having a scale of 105 mph and a Category 5. Dorian has traveled through the Bahamas into North Carolina and heading towards the South Side of Georgia. Millions have already lost there homes in this Hurricane, luckily it has slowed down to a Category 1 and is slowly moving along Georgia. Many have evacuated North Carolina but the innocent people of  the Bahamas had a little chance of escaping from Dorian. Many people have lost there family, died, or have been seriously injured. Sadly, it is taking to long for the United States to help the Bahamas. But, some people are helping the Bahamas like Tyler Perry, with his fund to send resources over. Perry has already brought back 7 people from the Bahamas! A pregnant Injured woman 5 kids and 1 madly injured man. Also, Kahlid (A new singer) is hosting a fundraiser for “Sunset City” or the Bahamas. So in conclusion, Dorian has hurt many, so please everyone stay safe.

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