The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog

Taste the Rainbow!

on September 15, 2017

Have you ever wondered why Skittles’ motto is “Taste the Rainbow” even though you can not necessarily taste the rainbow? Skittles is actually missing the color blue in the original pack!

Many health experts suggest limiting the food dye intake per day for health reasons. However, many foods and snacks have artificial coloring and may contain high amounts of food dye. So why not color foods without artificial coloring? This is actually a very difficult thing to do because food experts must find a way to color foods using coloring from natural plants, but they also have to change the color WITHOUT changing the taste.

Another problem with trying to use natural coloring instead of artificial coloring is that using natural colors cost five times as using artificial coloring and blues and greens are the most costly. Therefore, the Skittles company decided to just not produce blue Skittles in the original pack instead of going through all of the trouble to create it.

However, your dreams of eating blue and even green skittles aren’t crushed. Skittles created the Tropical flavored pack! This pack contains blue AND green Skittles. Just be careful not to overflow with joy and eat several packs of these Skittles. That could cause many health issues.

In conclusion, the Skittles company decided not to include blue Skittles because it would cost too much and it would be very difficult to find a natural plant that would make the Skittle blue, but not change the taste. However, blue Skittles are available in the Tropical Skittles pack. It is still important to know that Skittles have high amounts of sugar in them, so even though the Skittles rainbow may be missing the color blue, it is still harmful to you.

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