The Scoop

NCTS Middle School Blog


on November 9, 2018

Dragon Ball Z was a masterpiece. It was originally meant to end at the Frieza Saga, but ol’ Toriyama couldn’t leave Goku and friends hanging. The series went through multiple sagas, and ended up having NINE seasons. The sagas include: The Saiyan Saga, Namek Saga, Frieza Saga, Android Saga, Cell Saga, Cell Games Saga, Great Saiyaman, Majin Buu Saga, and Kid Buu Saga. All this resulting in a total of nine seasons! All of it was amazing! SO WHAT’S NEXT!

Dragon Ball Z, ever since it ended, has gone through countless adaptations and cross-overs, fan-made and not fan-made. Its had two major movies and a whole other series (Dragon Ball Super). Dragon Ball Super’s first two seasons were just a remake of the two hit movies. Basically, they wanted some of that big money too. However, Toei Animation failed bigger than the Titanic. The first two seasons had animation that looked like it was drawn by amateurs. The fight scenes were slow and corny, and it never lived up to the movies. However, after that, Toei and Akira finally got their act together, and the rest of the series was not bad. The last few episodes of the last season really gives you that classic Dragon Ball feel. SO WHAT’S NEXT!

When Dragon ball Super ended, it left us with the biggest cliff-hanger known to man, and then threw it away. It was obvious that the series wasn’t going anywhere. SO WHAT’S NEXT! Finally, after many months of crying myself to sleep because I had nothing to do on Saturday’s anymore, we finally got news of a Dragon Ball Super movie. Who is the main antagonist this time? Out of all the DBZ movies we had, Lord Slug, Broly, Cooler, and Janemba. These were all great villains, and we’ve already got a god of destruction, and Frieza came back to life, so there are only two competitors left, but only one makes the cut. Cell, the bio-android that terrorized the Earth, was valiantly killed by the son of Goku, Gohan. Gohan finished off Cell with an ascended  Super Saiyan powered Kamehameha wave. Cell was canon (he was apart of the original series), so it wouldn’t really be original to have two (already defeated characters (Frieza (who has died twice already) and Cell)) come back to life. However, one more fighter has yet to step into the ring: BROLY!

Broly has been brought back the most, so why him. He was died in Broly, then died again in Broly: Second Coming, then DIED AGAIN in Bio-Broly, so WHY HIM! The reason is because all of the Dragon Ball Z movies were made by Toei Animation and Toriyama (creator of Dragon Ball/Z, and NOT GT) had little to no participation in any of the movies. However, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods had its script rewritten by Toriyama, and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F’s (or Frieza) script was written completely by Akira Toriyama, so those two movies are considered canon. As a result, Broly does not and has never existed in the canon Dragon Ball universe. SO WHY HIM! Akira Toriyama watched some of the Broly movies from a while back and this “Broly” did not appeal to him. What did he do??? He rewrote Broly…? He’s the creator, he can do anything, so lets not question it.

Broly had little to no qualities that defined him. The only word he ever said was “Kakarooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot,” and he said it in a way that could rip your throat in two. He hated Goku, fought anyone who looked like Goku, and anyone that had the Super Saiyan hairstyle of Goku (aka: Goku and Goten).  He had anger all the time. However, now Broly has a better backstory and might actually be able to have a conversation. We won’t know until we watch the movie when it comes out in January of 2019.

2 Responses to “DRAGON BALL Z! WHAT’S NEXT?”

  1. Christian F. says:

    awesome, best writer

  2. Jaden G says:


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